So today as part of iHomeschool Network’s 10 in 10 today, we are sharing “10 Things About Me You Should Know”, but I’m thinking that maybe I should call this “10 Things About Me You Might Want To Know” or “10 Random Things About Me”.
So here it goes, 10 Random Things About Me:
1. I like yogurt with fruit and granola every morning for breakfast. I used to buy the generic fruit yogurt, but then I discovered the wonders of making yogurt in the crockpot and I’ve never looked back. Now, I strain my crockpot yogurt to make it more like greek yogurt. Every morning I feel like I’m having dessert instead of breakfast, which just starts the day off right!
2. Speaking of starting the day off right, I’ve only been drinking coffee for less than a year. That’s right, you read correctly. For years, I maligned coffee, saying I’d never drink something that I had to get used to because I couldn’t stand the bitter coffee aftertaste. Then, we got a Keurig and a whole bunch of k-cups for Christmas and I thought that I’d give coffee a whirl. Oh my, coffee makes me so much more productive, no more morning fog, no more running out of energy before 10 am. Coffee has become my new best friend.
3. I secretly want to have a food blog. I love food and I love to cook, so naturally I want a food blog. The thing is that I am not a good photographer and I don’t have the time to write a food blog. Even so I did try once to add some more food to this blog by sharing my Pumpkin Butter recipe with no pictures (trust me, you didn’t want to see the pictures).
4. My favorite subject in high school was Chemistry. I LOVED chemistry, so much so that I went on to major in Biochemistry in college, something my parents thought I’d never use until the day Elemental Science was born.
5. My least favorite subject in high school was Speech. I dreaded speech so much that I would try to get sick on the days that I had to give my talk. I shook like a leaf through the whole thing and usually forgot half of what I was suppose to say. It still amazes me that I’ve spoken at two woman’s retreats and didn’t forget a thing of what I was going to share. Plus I’m actually really excited about going to speak in Raleigh. Things really do change as you get older.
6. I only possess half a brain. Several months ago, I wrote about the other half of my brain. My hubby keeps me informed of all those details that escape my notice, which is a good thing because if he wasn’t there, I might end up locked out of my house or worse :).
7. I cannot garden. Every year I’m convinced that I will learn how to garden, but then my plants end up dying or looking scraggly. I so wish I had a green thumb because I love fresh veggies and a beautiful garden. I think my real problem, though, is remembering to water them.
8. I live in a house from the 1890’s. My dream has always been to live in a plantation home, but for now I have the next best thing. An old house in town with a while lot of character! My floors creak, my wall slant, but I love the fact that people have been walking through my house for the last 12o+ years. We are not 100% certain when the house was built as we can’t locate the original records, but the best guess is in the 1890’s, based on when the land was parceled off and the other homes in the area that similar in style to ours. It’s fun to have own a piece of history.
9. My favorite season is fall. I know it’s crazy, but fall is my favorite season. I love the cool crisp nights after a long series of hot ones. I love being able to eat soups and stews again. I love the changing colors of the landscape. I love in season apples, pumpkin patches and corn mazes. Fall is beautiful and fun!
10. I absolutely love my life! I have two very awesome kids, a husband that loves me and whom I adore, a roof over my head and food in my belly. Plus, I get to homeschool and work from home. I can not complain because I blessed beyond measure!
Well, that’s 10 Random Things About Me, hope you enjoyed and make sure to check out the other Top 10 Lists over at Angie’s blog!
A big expensive DSLR camera set to auto takes wonderful pictures! LOL- I am not a photographer either, but my new toy does a great deal better than my old Kodak camera.
My favorite subjects in high school were Literature and Spanish.
I wish I could buy a DSLR, but there’s just no room in the budget for that right now :).
I love Spanish too, but I learned it all while living in Peru. It’s such a beautiful language!